
Illustration showing chat bubbles.

Readers sound off on carepartnering and hippotherapy.

From one carepartner to another
I’ve been married for 44 years and a carepartner for 18 years. Judy Stegman’s story (“The still spot,” Spring 2014) is mine. She is doing what I have been doing for quite a while, and I can understand her anger and frustration—the kind that no one can really relate to unless you’re walking in our shoes. Imagine that the person you married and love is not the same, yet here you are—it’s sometimes a very lonely place. Hopefully, we can all find our own ways of coping and allow some sunshine into our days. Thank you, Judy, for a wonderful and moving article that made me feel as if I have a soul mate in Colorado.

Jeannette Sturman, Maryland

Straight from the horse’s mouth
Thank you so much for the article on hippotherapy (“Horse power”) in the Spring issue of Momentum! I have had MS for at least 35 years and have participated in hippotherapy in two states for a total of almost 10 years. The benefits are exactly as given in the article—better muscle tone, improved balance and better overall outlook. The personal contacts, as well as those with the horses, are a huge plus. Hopefully the insurance coverage will become a reality so that more people can participate in this wonderful activity. Thanks to all the volunteers who make it possible!

Betty Gibson, Florida