
smart wheelchair

Living your best life with MS

Facebook users discuss the most important thing they do to manage their MS.

My MS journey isn’t all bad. Really.

I’ve gained new lifelong friends and a new appreciation for the good things.

Find your next passion

Alterations make these hobbies more manageable if you live with MS

Illustration showing chat bubbles.

Letters to the editor: Doing our best with MS

Momentum readers sound off on insightful articles, inspiring authors and swearing.

Reaching for the stars

This astrophysicist with MS is at ease studying galaxies, but healthcare costs challenge her.

Table tennis brings new goals and joys

A pingpong coach with MS shares her love for the sport with others with the disease

Seeing MS from both sides

Healthcare professionals who live with the disease offer a unique perspective.

GIna Gentry

All about MS relapses

What they are, what they aren’t and how to manage them