The latest news and insights on MS.
Look who’s joined the movement: Jon Strum
Jon Strum started an MS podcast after his wife, Jeanne, was diagnosed.
Finding the right balance
We want to be YOUR National MS Society, no matter your age.
Readers sound off on artistic expression, exercise and mobility aids.
Moving to Medicare
The switch from private insurance can be a shock for people who find they have… Read More
Readers sound off on artistic expression, exercise and mobility aids.
A resource for younger generations
We want to be YOUR National MS Society, no matter your age.
Readers sound off on depression, accessibility, and cognitive function.
Pathways to a cure
The National MS Society is relentlessly pursuing the fastest path to a cure for MS.
Study: Nearly 1 million people live with MS in U.S.
More than twice the previous estimate.
Readers sound off on running marathons, finding the right medication and supporting MS warriors.
Letters to the editor: Valuable insights and connections
Momentum readers sound off on finding support, treating patients and honoring diversity.
A message from Cyndi Zagieboylo: Looking ahead
It’s spring, a time for renewal, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is renewing our… Read More
Letters to the editor: Doing our best with MS
Momentum readers sound off on insightful articles, inspiring authors and swearing.
A message from Cyndi Zagieboylo: The global impact of MS research
Cyndi Zagieboylo, president and CEO, on the global impact of MS research
Letters to the editor: Connecting within magazine pages
Momentum readers sound off on expressing themselves and connecting with each other through Momentum articles.
A message from Cyndi Zagieboylo: People with MS push research forward
Cyndi Zagieboylo, president and CEO, on scientific research