
Your MS, your body.


Take control of your care

Learn how to partner with your physician to manage your MS.

Widening my world

Public transportation opens up a new world for a woman with longstanding MS.

25 years of advocacy

Activists drive change every day.

New focus on pediatric MS

More information about pediatric MS leads to better school and health services for children with… Read More

Advocacy is personal—and powerful

Together, we will change the world for people with MS.

Now I have MS

Reader Dana Harrison shares a poem about her experiences of life with MS.

Illustration showing chat bubbles.


Readers sound off on aging, exercise, accessibility and more!

Panelle dish plated

Panelle with zucchini and corn salsa

Learn how to make these delicious hors d’oeuvres served at a recent Golden Circle event… Read More

Pain, pain go away

Pain relief is here.

Warm up to winter

Does cold worsen MS symptoms?
