
Your MS, your body.

Collage showing time passing and aging.

Aging with MS

Learn whether your changing symptoms are the result of MS progression or aging.

Circle of support

People with MS can benefit from a network of support. Learn how to overcome the… Read More

The ‘Roar’ of defeating MS

Kids create their own fundraising version of Katy Perry’s music video, “Roar.”

When it’s something else

Other conditions can have remarkably similar symptoms to MS. Don’t mistake these conditions with aging… Read More

What do working women with MS want?

A new report points to the challenges that working women with MS face at their… Read More

Finding biomarkers of MS

Cutting-edge research looks for telltale substances that can provide a wealth of information for diagnosis… Read More

Illustration showing chat bubbles.


Readers sound off on exercising, bowel issues, Bike MS and more.

Should you get a flu shot?

The pros and cons of getting a flu shot, explained.

Hard to swallow

Swallowing problems can occur as part of MS, but a range of treatments can restore… Read More

Modeling the future

A man with MS models an ideal, accessible city out of Lego bricks as a… Read More
