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Since my diagnosis, I haven’t left the bathroom–I have to urinate probably every 30 minutes…. Read More

My COVID-19 Story

It should now be making sense as to why I am sitting alone in my… Read More

MS Awareness: Your Support Matters

As we close this awareness month, it’s important to acknowledge the care providers, support team… Read More

Questions to Ask Your Neurologist About Your MS

I’m sure there are many more questions that come to mind, but these could be… Read More

Answering 18 COVID-19 Questions: Part 1

We are working closely with our partners around the globe to bring you the latest,… Read More

Finally Diagnosed

After listening to my symptoms, checking with different tests and studying the reports, the doctor… Read More

How My Superpower Fights Multiple Sclerosis

From the moment of my diagnosis, I was determined not to let MS defeat me…. Read More

Ready, Set, MS: My Sudden and Not-So-Surprising Diagnosis

In June 2019, the specialist told me I unequivocally had multiple sclerosis. Relief is not typically the… Read More

To Tell, or Not to Tell?

Deciding to tell someone about your diagnosis is a difficult decision because it’s so personal…. Read More

Memories and the Name Game

Now throw in multiple sclerosis, and the always-present question of whether one’s memory lapses can… Read More
