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Letters to the editor: Finding the positives

MS blessings
I’ve enjoyed your magazine since 1990 when I was first diagnosed with MS. I now have secondary progressive MS and use an electric wheelchair. It took me a few years, but I finally realized what a blessing MS has been (An MS blessing? Spring 2022). I figured out that if my MS only gets worse, that means today is a wonderful day because tomorrow might be worse. I’ve now been forced to take life one day at a time versus obsessing about the past/future — another blessing. Getting laid off from a job after 33 years was also a blessing because it was a high-stress job, and stress and MS don’t mix.

Bill Feldmann, Ohio

MS through the ages
Thank you for the article by Matt Alderton, “MS through the ages” (Winter 2021–22). I found a little of myself in each of the stories. I was diagnosed in 1984 at the age of 26. The story clearly reflected the increased understanding of this neurological disorder and the varying symptoms we all experience. I found it interesting to read how the medical system in different areas often affects the choices we make and what is made available. I am ambulatory, retired and thankful for the support of the MS community and the offerings of your publication during my MS journey.

Martha Patt, California

Magazine means a lot
Best magazine ever. Thank you to Cyndi Zagieboylo and all of you wonderful magazine people. I was diagnosed in 2010, but I think I was born with MS. I had symptoms as a young child back in the 1970s and was in a hospital for a month before they sent me home. They couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I really appreciate these magazines every time I get one. They mean a lot to me, so thank you for publishing them.

Karey Kritch, Florida

Richard M. Cohen

Standing as long as I can
Like Richard M. Cohen (“Struggling to stay standing,” Winter 2021–22), I’ve been dealing with MS for years, since 1988. I just turned 65 and can see the decline. Because of foot drop, I walk with a walker and, over the last year, have started using my mobility scooter at home versus only while out. I’m in therapy, and when asked my goals, unlike my usual response, “I want to walk without assistive devices,” I told my therapist, “I just want to do what I was able to do — activities of daily living: mop the floor, dust, do the dishes and cook without extreme fatigue.” Even though I totally dislike housework!

I, too, am determined to stay positive and fight for independence as long as I can. People often look at my husband strangely when he lets me move at my own pace versus helping me. I refuse help by saying, “I can no longer do a lot of things, so please let me do what I can.” Most family and friends are understanding. This article has given me that extra boost to leave that scooter alone and “stand” as long as I can.

Jocelyn G. Donahoo, Florida

Tags: Summer 2022
