Mothering alongside MS

My disease and my daughter have given me a new perspective on life.

After an MS relapse

You’ve toughed it out. Now what?

How to manage your MS while enjoying the spring

4 tips for indoor and outdoor activities

Finding a cure for MS, one study at a time

People living with the disease join with research experts to identify projects to be funded.

6 tips for managing multiple medications

Keeping track of multiple prescriptions for your MS is easier when you have a system.


Mothering alongside MS

My disease and my daughter have given me a new perspective on life.

After an MS relapse

You’ve toughed it out. Now what?

How to manage your MS while enjoying the spring

4 tips for indoor and outdoor activities


Latest Articles

4 tips for spring cleaning your pantry and fridge

It’s important to take stock of your food supplies and kitchen cleanliness.

Illustration showing chat bubbles.

Letters to the editor: Connecting through MS experiences

Momentum readers sound off on seeing MS as an opportunity to adjust their mindset and conn – …

A message from Cyndi Zagieboylo: Get involved with Walk MS

National MS Society President & CEO Cyndi Zagieboylo on Walk MS

Ghazal Lashgari, MD, in office

Women shaping the landscape of MS

Research and clinical fellows work to change what it means to live with MS.

Scientist with test tube

Newest MS research that inspires us

Highlights from the National MS Society’s 2022 Leadership Conference: “A Cure Is Everythin – …

Diets for MS

Diets for MS

How different food plans could affect your disease

Holidays got you down?

Tips for making the holiday season less stressful and more joyful

Hope and blessings

My family’s journey from slavery to special assistant to the president

Hip hip hooray

Bone injuries and fractures can be major setbacks for people with MS. Fall-proofing both y – …

When going gets tough

Bowel issues affect many people with MS, but lifestyle changes can help.


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