Survey results: Emotional challenges and MS
Momentum’s online survey last fall on mood and multiple sclerosis seems to have touched a nerve, with close to 2,000 readers participating. Respondents cited depression as the most common emotional challenge they have faced since being diagnosed with MS, followed closely by anxiety:
- 81 percent of readers said they have experienced depression since their MS diagnosis.
- 76.4 percent said they have experienced anxiety.
- 58.6 percent said they have experienced abrupt or inappropriate mood changes.
- 10.2 percent said they have experienced other challenges, such as frustration, anger, or uncontrollable crying or laughing.
Medication is the most widely used treatment option.
- 60.7 percent of respondents said they have used medication to manage these challenges.
- 44.2 percent said they have used exercise as treatment.
- 37.6 percent said they have used talk therapy.
- 20.6 percent said they have sought other options, including talking with family members, reducing stress and considering self-medication.
For more information about mood changes in MS, call 1-800-344-4867 and ask for the Society’s new book and DVD, Cognition & Mood in MS: What You Can Do About It, available later this summer.
Tags: Summer 2014