Home Life Jewelry with a hidden meaning

Jewelry with a hidden meaning

My MS diagnosis led me to a new calling.

by Ashley Suvanto
Ashley Suvanto

Ashley Suvanto. Photo courtesy of Ashley Suvanto

In 2015, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. What started as a numb, heavy feeling in my foot eventually spread to the entire right side of my body. I began to wonder, was this my new normal? It was extremely difficult in the days that followed to not feel depressed and wonder why this was happening to me. I needed to be healthy to care for my 3-year-old daughter and 9-month-old son, both of whom relied on me for their every need, and to fully enjoy life with my husband, who is my best friend and biggest supporter. Thankfully, in the midst of all the chaos, God gave me an overwhelming sense of peace and strength, a newfound positivity about this life, and belief that even the simplest of moments should not be taken for granted.

I also found a new calling. While searching for some kind of outlet or purpose, I landed on simple, hand-stamped jewelry as a new creative venture. I wanted to create meaningful pieces that would inspire others in their journey with MS. Since MS poses such a unique challenge for each of us, I wanted to create a subtle way to unite us and our supporters and highlight our strength. Thirteen Nineteen (1319) stands for the thirteenth (M) and the nineteenth (S) letters of the English alphabet. My desire is for this jewelry to provide a daily reminder that we are not alone in this fight; that even on our worst days, we can find the strength to push through and not allow this disease to define us. When someone asks the meaning behind Thirteen Nineteen, it will open the door for us to spread MS awareness by sharing our story with others.

We are in this together!

View Ashley’s blog, “Feeling Inspired Today”

Visit Ashley’s Instagram page

Ashley Suvanto, 32, lives in Arizona with her husband, two kiddos and pups.
Fall 2020

Tags: Summer 2020
