MS Experience

The Life I Want to Live

I am now a junior in college, and this past year was a year of… Read More

Adventures in Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is, in any event, a controversial treatment that is gaining more attention and… Read More

When the Medication Stops Working

Hearing the phrase “we need to switch your medication, you’ve developed new lesions” is never… Read More

Flying My Fatigue Flag

When the time came for me to consider getting a parking placard, the decision didn’t… Read More

Not Alone

A lot of uncertainty comes with having MS. But one thing is certain: You don’t… Read More

Don’t Sweat the MS

Living with MS, you realize “having it all” is no longer some grandiose vision but… Read More

Ending Up in a Wheelchair

The troubling reality of MS is that a wheelchair is not the worst possible outcome…. Read More

Finding Your New Normal

So whatever you’re going through – no matter how big or small – rest assured,… Read More

A Story about Shoes

I’m claiming a balance between realism and highest hopes, and I’m more comfortable with the… Read More

If I’d Never Met You

But you’re here and you’re here to stay. And if I’d never met you, I… Read More

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