MS Experience

Mobility Aids and MS

Adapting to MS and Discovering Mobility Aids Lead to Freedom

This disease will not stop you from living your life, you just need to find… Read More

raising ms awareness

Have You Ever Received Advice You Weren’t Looking For?

It’s our choice in responding. We can either give a flip answer, laugh and keep… Read More

From Slavery to Special Assistant to the President: Hope and Blessings

The fact that in two generations, family members can go from slavery to Special Assistant… Read More

coping with MS

Our Community

Warrior to Warrior, may this battle only be a season. Be encouraged, empowered and blessed.

Parenting and MS

Motherhood and MS

I now understand I have not failed as a parent. I have a chronic illness,… Read More

mother living with MS

How My Mom’s MS Journey Inspires My Work

My mom was diagnosed with MS almost 10 years ago, so I have a very… Read More

Autism and MS

My Family’s Experience With Autism and MS

This is the intersection of autism and MS where my worry resides.

MS and disability

How to Talk About People With MS & Disabilities

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when speaking about or to those in… Read More

MS disease progression

The Woman With the Orange Tutu

To hear the words, “you’ve got MS” is not easy. The unpredictable nature of this… Read More

DMT injection MS

Constant Reminder

My injections may always be there, day and night, good and bad—watching, waiting.

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