MS Experience

supporting someone with MS

Tongue-Tied: 4 Things to Say

Since people don’t generally have a firm grasp of the disease, the comments we receive… Read More

putting yourself first with a chronic illness

My Life in Chronic-logical Order

My hope is that you will find the same freedom in creating and protecting the… Read More

support group multiple sclerosis

Why Did I Wait So Long to Join an MS Support Group? Misguided Fear.

As my local MS support group signed off at the final meeting of 2020, I… Read More

cleaning with multiple sclerosis

COVID Cleanliness

A year later, and I’m pretty sure a small child has wandered in and is… Read More

cane multiple sclerosis

Cane Commentary

Using an assistive device, as these things are known in clinical circles, is a bit… Read More

multiple sclerosis couple

Dear Gary and Lisa Part III: Anything Is Possible

Never lose hope, Gary and Lisa. Hope is the most important word in the lexicon… Read More

multiple sclerosis couple

Dear Gary and Lisa Part II: The New Pattern of Life

With the passage of time, what was once abnormal for you both will become normal…. Read More

interview tips for individuals with disabilities

The Cane in the Room

Here’s a unique question: Because of my multiple sclerosis, I walk with a cane. Next… Read More

coping with multiple sclerosis

MS Tidbits: Pithy Musings on Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Along the way I’ve thought a lot about how MS has affected my day-to-day life. I’ve… Read More

MS flare up what to do

Turning a “Wasted Day” Into a “Healing Day”

As we shut out the lights and went to sleep that night, another thought came… Read More

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