
fatigue MS

3 Ways My Tired Is Different from Your Tired

The one thing I find the most annoying though is how other people see fatigue…. Read More

MS fatigue

I Can Run a 5k… Then Can’t Lift a Spoon

The thing that healthy people just can’t get their head around is the fact that… Read More

coping with multiple sclerosis

MS Tidbits: Pithy Musings on Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Along the way I’ve thought a lot about how MS has affected my day-to-day life. I’ve… Read More

multiple sclerosis and suicide

I’m an MS Navigator. Here’s What I Want You to Know About Multiple Sclerosis and Suicide

MS Navigators are here to remind people that they’re not alone on their journey and… Read More

Making Peace with My New Normal

It takes some time to reorient yourself to a different reality – to be able… Read More

0 for 2

Since my diagnosis, I haven’t left the bathroom–I have to urinate probably every 30 minutes…. Read More

Memories and the Name Game

Now throw in multiple sclerosis, and the always-present question of whether one’s memory lapses can… Read More


Dizziness is the bane of my existence. It’s my most persistent and irritating MS symptom.

Depression and MS

As anyone reading this blog is likely aware, the incidence of depression among people with… Read More

Mish Mosh Life

I haven’t been able to formulate complete sentences without tripping over my words for weeks…. Read More

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