I have MS

The Shame Behind Being Chronically Ill

There have been many times since my diagnosis of relapsing-remitting MS in 2015 that I… Read More

The Strong One

But there are some things, like a chronic illness, that simply cannot be fixed, and… Read More

ADA and MS

Summer Retrospective… Yes, I Went There, I’m Looking Back

I’m so thankful for the ADA and for everyone who fought to make it a… Read More

Making Peace with My New Normal

It takes some time to reorient yourself to a different reality – to be able… Read More

Dear Dad

Dear Dad, Telling you I have MS is the hardest thing I’ve had to do… Read More

Wearing a Mask Is About Compassion

By wearing a mask, I feel I’m being compassionate to others, and by them wearing… Read More

Back to Square One

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!”    Anyone who… Read More

Isolation During COVID-19: A Different Perspective

But oddly, unlike others, I have felt less alone during this quarantine and more accepting… Read More

Essential Work

I have MS, and I’m an essential worker. Face masks and social distancing aside, I… Read More

Advocating… Virtually

I hope I get to go to Sacramento next year. But if not, this was… Read More

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