I have MS

staying fit with MS

Made Strong by Dance: How Dance Saved and Continues to Save My Life

As my body changed, I had to learn how to use my new body.

Heat and MS

Beat the Heat: Tips to Keep Cool This Summer

I’ve learned a thing or two about beating the heat.

staying fit with MS

Racing Time

For me, I know as long as I keep moving, I’m on the right track.

Education Accommodations for Multiple Sclerosis

College Accommodations With MS

I found out thanks to my from my clinic that universities must provide assistance for… Read More

3 Mindset Hacks to Reduce Anxiety

If you want to change your situation, you can — and guess what — you’re… Read More

preganant with MS

Pregnancy With MS: Relearning Strength

My MS journey has taught me so much already, but one of the most important… Read More

exercise with MS

MS Gave Me a New Lifestyle

I want to inspire everyone to try to work out. The small can become the… Read More

veteran with MS

A Warrior’s Heart

Being a Veteran with multiple sclerosis can be a frustrating experience.

Pride Comes Before the Fall

But to save my marriage, I committed to this focused counseling. I’m glad I did.

My Pageant Experience With MS: Why I Took This Journey

I am a MS Warrior, and when I walked across that stage, I thought about… Read More

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