I have MS

Sex, Intimacy & MS

Intimacy with a neurological disease can make things interesting, to say the least.

(Not) The Sound Of Music

The truth is, I am claustrophobic. But really, is there anyone who enjoys having their… Read More

Advocating for My Father, Myself, and My Children’s Future

I want my children to grow up in a world where the phrase “you have… Read More

Thriving in the Face of Adversity

Life is going to challenge you at some point. When this happens you have a… Read More


Most folks have a pretty good idea of what the word “fatigue” means and how… Read More

Build with what you have

There’s a mantra in the disability community: educate or litigate. I much prefer the former,… Read More

On Friendship

I’ve been examining the longest relationship of my adult life — with multiple sclerosis. Having… Read More

Letter To My Daughter

The night after your 7 month birthday, you and I were alone in the home…. Read More

Surrendering Control?

Yoga has helped me enormously in managing my multiple sclerosis and staying in tune with… Read More


I’ll admit it: Contrary to my usual positive, inquisitive approach to multiple sclerosis, I cried… Read More

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