

Mish Mosh Life

I haven’t been able to formulate complete sentences without tripping over my words for weeks…. Read More

The Little Things

I may not do it perfectly, but at least I’m doing it. I’m doing what… Read More

MS and Self Care

This is a crucial aspect of self-care that many people seem to miss out on:… Read More

Getting Back in the Saddle

Today, horses are my therapy. Although my therapeutic riding instructor and frequent recreational riding days… Read More

A Back to School Prayer for Families

But may I not dwell on the mistakes of the past. Instead, may I focus… Read More

Redefining MS

Being challenged with multiple sclerosis and learning to live with it has helped me figure… Read More

Wheelchair Barbie

Barbie can at least provide a little more comfort to children with disabilities who want… Read More

Sometimes “Political Correctness” Just Means Seeing People for Who They Are

For me and most of the people with disabilities that I know, we would like to be thought of… Read More

Having a Bizarre Time With MS

MS is, to put I mildly, quite odd. I’m not exactly sure why or how… Read More

I Am a Runner

I don’t run for the crowds or the praise or a t-shirt and medal waiting… Read More
