
Mobility Aids and MS

Adapting to MS and Discovering Mobility Aids Lead to Freedom

This disease will not stop you from living your life, you just need to find… Read More

Feeling Put Together

Being young and having MS comes with a lot of challenges. One of which is… Read More

raising ms awareness

Have You Ever Received Advice You Weren’t Looking For?

It’s our choice in responding. We can either give a flip answer, laugh and keep… Read More

weight loss MS

A Journey to My True Self Choosing Weight Loss as a Person Living With MS

Having weight loss surgery just 5 months ago has changed my life.

traveling with MS

Useful Tips for Traveling With MS

Having MS does not mean that you cannot continue enjoying the pleasures of life, among… Read More

father with multiple sclerosis

Like Father, Like Daughter

I think about how my best memories as a child include always knowing how fiercely… Read More

From Slavery to Special Assistant to the President: Hope and Blessings

The fact that in two generations, family members can go from slavery to Special Assistant… Read More

Afternoons with Annie

The wheelchair is totally normal to her. No judgment. A lot of adults could learn… Read More

MS Doesn’t Stop You From Being a Great Parent

My goal is to make the burden of a chronic illness lighter for children. I… Read More

health equity multiple sclerosis

Inclusivity in Healthcare

My queer identity cannot be dismissed, and my lived experience cannot be reduced to a… Read More
