
smart wheelchair


New heights for progressive MS research

Why do some people experience aggressive worsening of their multiple sclerosis and others experience a mild course? The Serial Unified Multicenter MS InvesTigation investigates.

Do It Yourself fundraising tips from the Haunted Garage

A couple share tips on raising funds and awareness for MS.

Woman holding a bag of groceries

Resources for caregivers with MS

While resources that are specific to caregivers with MS don’t exist—yet—the following are helpful for general information and resources related to caregiving.

Image of cell phones and tablets

4 networking apps to try

Learn how to network effectively and efficiently.

physical therapy in a pool

Should you try aquatic therapy?

C’mon in, the water’s fine! Even people with heat sensitivity and other MS symptoms can benefit from aquatic therapy.

Tyler Campbell

Tyler Campbell: Going for the tackle

Football star Tyler Campbell huddles with his famous father Earl to defeat MS. Both father and son are ambassadors for the National MS Society today.

Mummies from the Haunted Garage

DIY Haunted Garage raises money for MS

Charline Werts and Keith Allen opened up their DIY haunted garage to people looking to be spooked. The couple donates any money raised to the National MS Society.

Staying informed about MS in the news

Learn to sort the science from the sales pitches, and make informed decisions about your MS.

New hope for repairing myelin damage in MS

Stem cell therapy holds the promise of actually repairing myelin, a step that would be particularly helpful to people in the progressive phase of MS.

The Ebers effect: Unraveling the MS and vitamin D connection

Professor George Ebers receives the 2013 John Dystel Prize for his research into the connection between vitamin D and MS.