MS in Underserved Communities: Where Do We Go From Here?

Improving access to care for diverse populations within the MS community requires multiple approaches that address socioeconomic, cultural, geographic and disability-related barriers.

Silver Linings Exist: Reflecting on a Decade With MS

10 years after her multiple sclerosis diagnosis, Kristen shares some of the unexpectedly positive side effects of her diagnosis.

How Caregiving as a Child Shaped My Life

A National MS Society employee shares his experiences growing up caring for his mom, who lived with MS, and how that shaped his life.

Fluffy Ball of Cuteness: My Therapy Dog, Francesca

Francesca the therapy dog brings joy to her owner, Bob, who lives with MS.

What You Need to Know About Fall Vaccines: Flu, COVID-19 and RSV

Dr. Lisa Doggett explains why people living with MS should plan to get vaccinated this fall.


Latest Blogs

The Tale of the Concerned Wife and Resistant Husband

Today I realize that I’m not confined to a wheelchair. I’m enabled by my wheelchair.

Sex, Intimacy & MS

Intimacy with a neurological disease can make things interesting, to say the least.

(Not) The Sound Of Music

The truth is, I am claustrophobic. But really, is there anyone who enjoys having their… Read More

Advocating for My Father, Myself, and My Children’s Future

I want my children to grow up in a world where the phrase “you have… Read More

Thriving in the Face of Adversity

Life is going to challenge you at some point. When this happens you have a… Read More


Most folks have a pretty good idea of what the word “fatigue” means and how… Read More

Progressive MS: Looking for Answers Now

People who live with progressive MS have many questions, but one I hear often is,… Read More

Build with what you have

There’s a mantra in the disability community: educate or litigate. I much prefer the former,… Read More

On Friendship

I’ve been examining the longest relationship of my adult life — with multiple sclerosis. Having… Read More

Kids Do Get MS

“My doctor said that kids don’t get MS.” My hope is to squash that myth… Read More

A light-skinned person standing firmly with a crutch on a white background

I get knocked down, but I’ll get up again

Recovering from a fall can be challenging. Read how one person gets up.

Illustration of a man in a grey room looking out into sunshine and blue sky.

Staying above water with MS

One blogger describes finding support and learning to love life again after his MS diagnosis.

A Black person wearing athletic clothing exercising with a weight.

Breaking the cycle of exclusion: Embracing cultural competence in physical activity research for people with MS

Cultural competence in research involves considering the culture and diversity of a population.

Several cheerleaders in uniform dancing in formation.

Still Dancing: Overcoming MS to Become an Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader

An MS diagnosis in college didn’t stop Téa from cheering for the NFL.

Silhouette of a person against the sunset.

Till MS Do Us Part

For one blogger, an MS diagnosis became a chance to rewrite their story.

Two speech bubbles with a United Kingdom and a United States flag.

Across the Other Side of the Pond, but Connected Through MS

An activist in the U.K. discusses the challenges that the Black MS community faces here… Read More
