
smart wheelchair

Too hot to cook?

Dealing with MS during the dog days of summer can make preparing even the simplest meals feel daunting. A nutritionist offers healthy, cooling recipes for the hottest days.

Recipe: Cold gazpacho soup

Gazpacho, another summertime favorite, comes together as easily as tossing veggies into a blender. Try this delicious recipe.

Biking with MS

Want to ride in Bike MS but concerned about MS symptoms getting in the way? Anyone can participate in the newly expanded I Ride with MS program.

Sarah Keitt and kids

The parenting puzzle

Many parents with MS worry that they’re not able to do enough for their children. Learn strategies for maximizing what you can do.

Illustration showing chat bubbles.


Readers praise Momentum stories about the difficulties of carepartnering and the benefits of hippotherapy.

New guideline on emotional disorders

We need better research to determine the best diagnosis, screening and treatment tools for emotional disorders in people with MS, according to a new guideline.

Reel life with MS

Young filmmaker Jason DaSilva was recently diagnosed with MS. He turned the camera on himself to show what life is like with the disease.

Blowing hot and cold: Assistance with air conditioning costs

Some public utilities commission offer medical exemptions for those whose health conditions require higher power consumption. Learn what states are doing to help people save on utilities and beat the heat this summer.

More support for vitamin D

A Harvard study confirms the benefits of vitamin D in people with MS.

Survey results: Emotional challenges and MS

What common mood disorders have Momentum readers experienced since being diagnosed? Find out the results of a recent survey.