Emotional Wellness

opening up about MS

“Are You Fine?”

I’d love to link arms with you on your journey; we no longer need to… Read More

supporting someone with MS

Tongue-Tied: 4 Things to Say

Since people don’t generally have a firm grasp of the disease, the comments we receive… Read More

pediatric MS

Unexpected Reality

My mindset has changed and matured to accept the reality and try my hardest to… Read More

multiple sclerosis couple

Dear Gary and Lisa Part III: Anything Is Possible

Never lose hope, Gary and Lisa. Hope is the most important word in the lexicon… Read More

multiple sclerosis couple

Dear Gary and Lisa Part I: The Early Years

I am writing to you both twenty-five years into your future. I am going to… Read More

horses and multiple sclerosis

At Least

Horses gave me peace. They gave me freedom. They honestly restored my hope that I… Read More

coping with multiple sclerosis

MS Tidbits: Pithy Musings on Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Along the way I’ve thought a lot about how MS has affected my day-to-day life. I’ve… Read More

MS flare up what to do

Turning a “Wasted Day” Into a “Healing Day”

As we shut out the lights and went to sleep that night, another thought came… Read More

goals with MS

Lessons for the New Year

After all, one of the most important lessons we learned in 2020 is that we’re… Read More

dealing with MS progression

Stuck in the Middle

Don’t dwell on what’s been taken away, but acknowledge it.

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