
The latest news and insights on MS.


Bringing more people into the MS movement

Connecting with their National MS Society helps people live better lives.

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Readers sound off on treatment centers, support networks and symptoms.

Fighting for high-quality health care

The Society works to make sure policymakers understand what people affected by MS need.

Bringing you the resources you need

Find support on the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s website.

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Readers sound off on what an MS cure means to them, stress and other symptoms.

What does a cure for MS mean to you?

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is relentless in the pursuit of finding a cure—for everyone.

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Readers sound off on their sense of selves, leading productive lives and realistic representation.

Including people living with MS in research

People with MS need to be included in the research process.

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Readers sound off on diverse representation, creativity and personal MS symptoms.

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Readers sound off on travel, accepting help and owning their MS symptoms.

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Letters to the editor: Valuable insights and connections

Momentum readers sound off on finding support, treating patients and honoring diversity.

A message from Cyndi Zagieboylo: Looking ahead

It’s spring, a time for renewal, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is renewing our… Read More

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Letters to the editor: Doing our best with MS

Momentum readers sound off on insightful articles, inspiring authors and swearing.

Illustration showing chat bubbles.

Letters to the editor: Connecting within magazine pages

Momentum readers sound off on expressing themselves and connecting with each other through Momentum articles.

A message from Cyndi Zagieboylo: People with MS push research forward

Cyndi Zagieboylo, president and CEO, on scientific research
